Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Memories with us

Here is a fun little game...Leave a comment on our blog of a memory that you have had with Anthony or I together. It doesn't matter if you've known us for a short time, or a long time, anything you remember! Next, re-post these instructions on your blog and see how many people leave a memory about you. It's actually pretty funny to see the responses. If you leave a memory about me, I'll assume you're playing the game and I'll come to your blog and leave one about you.On your mark...get your memories!


The Hawkins said...

The first thing I think of with you is also the zit popping. It hurt so bad but someone had to do it. Brian saw a picture and thought we were the most disgusting people. I also just remember how much Chanda wanted to be like you!

Remember to Breathe said...

I remember that Nat & I called you "the bottomless pit" because you ate and ate and ATE and never got full. (or fat!) Just think of all that microwave popcorn COVERED in cheese that we used to make. I also remember doing blue darts with you and Nat in junior high! (I'm so embarrassed to even admit that I would do something so gross...) We had some good times! I miss ya. :) Stop by my blog & remind me of those good ole days!

Michelle Akauola said...

Oh amber I forgot all about the bike. Out of all my funny memories you are probley in all of them. The mall one was great too. But the thing I remember when you come to mind is popcicles. I use to get so mad when I would start eating a popcicle and along came amber and would either hurry and take a bite of it or lik it and then I would hand it over because ooooow. The bad thing is I would fall for it everytime. Then you would just smile and eat away. Fun times sometimes I wish we could all go back to being kids it was great.

JJ&K said...

drill team comes to mind, i have so many great memories!! I Remember you and kristi just being so goofy. Like pulling your pants up to your boobs and walking getting mad at me and leslee cuz we were being loud!! and and going to walmart in orem during state drill, and having shopping cart races!!! the good ole days!! hey make sure to keep in touch and congrats on getting married. i don't know if i already told you that!!!

Kori, Troy and Colby said...

So, I've been racking my brain all day for something to add to this. And I think I must just be tired, cause I'm having a hard time locating just one memory!! I keep remembering all these different times when we did some pretty silly stuff, but I just can't put my finger on what it was exactly. There was the time we tried to start a prank war with the boys, only we did our prank on the wrong doorstep so they didn't have a clue. Or there was the good ol' "Coming to America" performance. Or when we decided we were going to get good at Halo, only we liked the demo game ("jump and duck") better, and you were way good at it!! OK, that's all, I could go on and on :) Hope you're having fun out there! We'll have to get together when we get back.

Laura Barrett said...

Oh gosh I'm the same as Kori, I can't think of just one memory, I have so many funny ones that I might have to keep adding as I think of them. Remember at Lake Powell when Jade and I were laughing about what her brother would always say and I remember that you were like "guys, what's a skurio?" When in actuality we were saying "this guy, this guy right here is weird" :)
Another is when we were sticking our tounges out at the restaurant measuring how long we could get them...I still have the pictures, hilarious!

Stacey said...

So I have a lot of memories of just you but the one memory I have of the both of you was your wedding day. I was so happy that I was able to come and share your special day. You looks so pretty and I thought it was so neat what Anthony said about you. He seems like such a great guy and you two seem so happy! I hope you are having fun out there!

Audra said...

WOW, well what can I say...But today I was actually thinking of you and Anth's wedding,and what a happy moment and day that was. As far as Anth's concerned...where to start? But a few that come to mind, driving to the wave, going shopping after his mission and dancing to Madonna. Getting a message from him with him singing 'I just called to say I love you.' Waking up with sick crap all over my foot(I'm still mad about that). Cutting bees in our back yard when we were little(he conned me into it). I just love him and way to go for record for most sales in a day, whoot whoot! Love you guys!

Karole said...

Amberlie Madsen!!! Oh, I mean Mott:) How are you? I found your blog on Stacey's and thought I would say hi. Congrats on getting married and sorry I missed your wedding, I'm not sure what was going on at that time in my life! Anyways, I just wanted to say Hi.

I remember going to your house with Kevin. He would get so mad at you because you always wanted to hang out with us and he didn't want you to. We would tell him to be nice and that we wanted you to hang with us. That would make him mad but we didn't care because you were always so nice and fun to be around! You always have a smile on your face...your such a cutie!!! Anyways, take care and keep in touch!

Becca said...

"Pube hair coming your way!"

*natalie said...

Just about every childhood memory I have has you in it! Whenever I turn on The Little Mermaid for Kennedy I think of me, you, and Katie sitting in her basement singing the entire movie as we watched it. Oh and remember making Roman Noodles and playing restaurant everyday after school? The tree house? Staying up all night playing the Nintendo? We had so much fun!

Then high school came and all the DRAMA!

Rob & Autum said...

I saw your blog on Camie's and wanted to say Hi. I didn't even know you had gotten married...congrats!

The zit popping was gross!! And the Chandra drama. What would we have talked about at our meetings if it wasn't for her? Drill was fun!

The Heriford's said...

Oh my friend!!! I want you to know that I already miss you too and regardless of what I have said before I really don't think your a bi!!! Tell Kristeen I don't think she is either.

Niesha said...

Hey Amber! I found your blog through Tracy and Kelbeys! Crazy, huh! Anyway... I am pretty sure that I remember being the biggest dork as a freshman and I would try so hard to hang out with you... but my most favorite memory of you was at girls camp. You and Kayla Daniels would teach me all your drill team dances and I would make a fool of myself by trying to mimic you... And I remember one night I started to rap freestyle and make fun of Collette Seely...they really weren't that funny but your laugh was so contagious that we all about peed ourselves!
And then of corse Snipe hunting and making Collette cry... Good times! I am so glad to see that you are doing well. Congrats on the wedding... you looked beautiful! Next time you visit your oldest brother you should stop by and visit their neighbors... I hear they are pretty cool! Take Care!

Papworth's said...

I know I already wrote to you but this looked like fun. Seriously so many many memories with you it's crazy! I still think of the time when we were in 6th grade and you were sleeping at my house. We Were making crepes and the recipe was on the bottom of the mixing pan I used. So, I lifted it above my head, with ingredients in it, to see the recipe and it dumped all over me, eggs, milk, and all. You just laughed and laughed forever and kept saying, "Kriiiii-sti, Kriiiii-sti." Also, that you always had to be touching our elbows or back of our arms when we walked down the hall. That's Amberlie!